Tuesday, March 15, 2011

National Ag Day

I am sure to most people today was just a regular day. But did you know that today was National Ag Day? I am sure you might ask what is National Ag Day about? It is a day to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture. National Ag Day was started to increase public awareness about American agriculture.

Just about everything you have eaten, worn, and used today has come from American agriculture. American agriculture provides a safe, abundant, and affordable food supply. Did you know that every American farmer feeds more than 155 people, and we only spend 10% of our income buying food? Here is a short video that gives you some more food for thought.

As a wife of a farmer I woke up this morning proud to be a part of American Agriculture and my hardworking husband! If you see a farmer please thank them for their hard work, and the food and fiber they supplied you today. Also if you ever have any questions about our safe, abundant, and affordable food supply please contact me.


  1. Kim!!!! I miss you! I just asked Amanda about you and asked if you ever posted on your blog!! I'm so glad you do! It's such a great way to keep up! The photos you took of the McD family were SO good!!!

  2. Hey Destiny!! Miss you too! Might just have make my way down to the coast sometime! We can go check out all the cute places I know you have found! Yes I finally decided to start blogging more. Somehow I lost all my old posts :(
    Thanks! I had fun taking them. I used my new lens, and shot in manual for the first time! I was pretty proud of myself that they did not turn our too horrible.
